Monday 15 January 2018



Fair - weather Christians

They are weak Christians

They relish wonderful moments

They are steadfast in days of prosperity

They have solid rock faith when the days are rosy

They are bread and butter Christians

They sing the loudest in the best of times

The numbers of answered prayers is their measure of trusting

Fair weather christians

They are oblivious of satanic whiles

They seldom count their blessings in hard times

They forget to be of good cheer as Jesus instructed - John 16:33

They think of drifting and twisting at every mayhem

Are you one of this group: Fair - weather Christians?

Where are the die - hard Christians?

Where are the uncompromising Christians?

Those who sing when the days are dreary

The dogged Christians whose eyes is fasten to the rock which cannot move

The determined Christians - strong Christians

Who saddens the heart of the devil at all times.

Who rejoices in tribulations

Who understands the God of times and seasons

Who faces tough times with amazing calmness and smile

They are not Christians who should be spoonfed

They cherish the word of God and meditate therein -

fervent in prayer; ever consecrated and ever committed to the faith

They even dig deeper in hard times

They see miracles behind every problem

They are possibility thinkers - for they know whom they believe

They are often celebrated thereafter for taking their stand

I beckon on every christian to stand up and proclaim like paul:

Nothing shall separate me from the love of Christ - Romans 8:35

The devil never wins the determined Christians crossing the bridges of adversity

I call for a morphism from fair - weather Christianity to dogged and uncompromising Christianity.

Ogunmodede T, Ajinde.
